【4月7日】第87期讲座:The Y-PLAN Educational Initiative: A Global Strategy to Engage K-12 Students in Social Action and Climate Change
主讲嘉宾:Deborah McKoy 博士(美国加州大学伯克利分校)
讲座主题:The Y-PLAN Educational Initiative: A Global Strategy to Engage K-12 Students in Social Action and Climate Change

Y-PLAN (Youth-Plan, Learn, Act, Now!)是一个旨在鼓励城市年轻人参与城市规划和政策制定的教育性项目。这个项目旨在帮助年轻人在创造一个健康、可持续和愉悦的社区的同时,获得进入大学、职场以及成为社会公民所需要的知识和技能。

到目前为止,已经有来自全美及世界各地成千上万的年轻人和几十所学校、教师以及各合作方参与了Y-PLAN项目。这项社区发展项目已经在全球超过20个城市开展。在过去的15年中,在参与项目的年轻人及项目导师等各方的努力下,已经创建了超过50个Y-PLAN 社会企业项目。

作为该项目的发起人,本次讲座Deborah McKoy博士将主要通过案例分享的方式,讲述全球范围内的Y-PLAN计划是如何吸引年轻人参与社会行动的。


Deborah McKoy,哥伦比亚大学公共政策与管理硕士,加州大学伯克利分校教育政策博士。加州大学伯克利分校城市与学校中心(UC Berkeley Center for Cities and Schools)创办人和执行主任,同时在加州大学伯克利分校城市与区域规划系和教育学院任教。

?McKoy博士的专业研究领域为社区发展、教育政策、公共政策与混合居住政策、青少年社区参与。其研究与教学聚焦于教育改革的交集(intersection of educational reform)、城市规划、社区发展与公共政策。目前,她的工作重心是关于城市与大都市变化和转型中年轻人扮演的重要角色。

在过去近二十年中,?McKoy博士的工作包括研究、政策与实践几个部分,她的职业经历也十分丰富,包括如美国住房和城市发展部(Consultant to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development ,HUD)的顾问,纽约市住房管理局(NYC Housing Authority)的经济发展主任(Chief of Economic Development),纽约市一个非营利机构CAMBA难民服务部主任,以及联合国全民教育项目的顾问等。Deborah发表了一系列的学术性和同行评审性的文章和报告,她的教学工作也获得了一系列的奖励和荣誉。其中,由?McKoy博士一手创建的Y-plan项目先后于2001、2005和2012年获得加州大学伯克利分校校长颁发的公共服务优秀奖。此外,Y-PLAN还获得了旧金山市建筑基金会颁发的关于鼓励青少年参与环境建设的奖项。


"Framing the Connections: Integrating Housing, Transportation and Education in City and Regional Planning,? with Jeffrey M. Vincent. Chapter in "Finding Common Ground: Coordinating Housing and Education Policy to Promote Integration by the Poverty and Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) and the National Coalition on School Diversity (Philip Tegeler, Editor, pg 53-60) 2013.

“Opportunity Rich Schools and Sustainable Communities:? Seven Steps to Aligning High Quality? Education with Innovations in City and Metropolitan Planning and Development” with Jeffrey M. Vincent and Ariel H. Bierbaum. Prepared for What Works Collaborative, Urban Institute (2012).

“Trajectories of Opportunity for Young Men and Boys of Color:? Built Environment and Place-making Strategies for Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities", with Jeffrey M. Vincent, and Ariel H. Bierbaum in Changing Places in How Communities Will Improve the Health of Boys of Color, Edited by Christopher Edley and Jorge Ruiz de Velasco. University of California Press, Nov. 2010.

“Social Enterprise for Learning: A Replicable Model of Service Learning and Civic Engagement”, Social Studies Review 49(1): 82-85 with David Stern and Ariel H. Bierbaum

“Putting Schools on the Map: Linking Transit-Oriented Development, Families, and Schools in the San Francisco Bay Area”, Report for Great Communities Collaborative and IURD Working Paper, with Ariel Bierbaum and Jeffrey M. Vincent, June 2010.

“The Mechanics of City-School Initiatives: Transforming Neighborhoods of Distress & Despair into Neighborhoods of Choice & Promise” with Ariel H. Bierbaum, Jeffrey M. Vincent , Policy Brief, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, IURD, December 2010.

“Housing and Education: The Inextricable Link,” with Jeffrey M. Vincent. In Segregation: The Rising Costs for America. Edited by James H. Carr and Nandinee Kutty. London: Routledge, 2008.

“The Community Development and Education Connection: Reviving cities, transforming schools, and engaging young people in the process”, Community Investments 19, 2: 20-21, Fall 2007

“Engaging Schools in Urban Revitalization: The YPLAN (Youth – Plan, Learn, Act, Now!)”. With Jeffrey M. Vincent. Journal of Planning Education and Research 26: 389-403, 2007.
