当前美国教育改革一个重要方面是修改NCLB法案(《不让任何孩子落后法案》),并重新命名为RTTT计划(“力争上游”)。NCLB过于强调标准化考试并惩罚未能改善基准的学校,而RTTT,正如奥巴马总统指出,不会继续惩罚未能达标的学校。 美国教育部正逐步于各州相继放弃NCLB,这将引发一个重要话题:如何才能帮助那些在当前NCLB体系下归类为“未完成”或“未达标”的学生?此次报告将介绍在中国部分地区开展的大规模中小学计算机自适应认知诊断测验的成功案例。报告中会针对许多实践中的重要话题进行讨论,例如如何选择对于学校而言经济有效的硬件建设和网络连接,如何将认知诊断功能应用在适应性选题的算法中等。从最近几次在北京、大连和郑州的大规模运用实践中得出的经验表明,计算机自适应认知诊断测验无疑将会使全世界的教师和研究人员受益,并且正革命性地改变着人们应对学习和考试带来的诸多挑战。
主题二:The Development of the Priority Index in Computerized Adaptive Testing
Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) not only enables efficient and precise ability estimation, but also increases the security of testing materials since examinees are given different sets of items from a large item bank. The construction of assessments usually involves fulfilling a large number of non-statistical constraints, such as item exposure control and content balancing. To improve measurement precision, test security, and test validity, the priority index (PI; Cheng & Chang, 2009; Cheng, Chang, Douglas, & Guo, 2009) and multidimensional priority index (MPI; Yao, 2011, 2012, & 2013) were proposed to manage various constraints simultaneously for both unidimensional and multidimensional CATs. In practice, many educational and psychological tests are constructed under a multidimensional framework. Some of the items (multidimensional items) in a test are intended to assess multiple latent traits. For instance, an arithmetic item can be used to assess both symbolic representation and calculation. Most current constraint control methods, such as Yao’s MPI method, were developed under a situation where the multidimensionality is between items. Hence, it is important to propose a modified MPI method for the item selection when a within-item multidimensional test is assembled. This talk will first review the development of the priority index from unidimensional to multidimensional, and then the modified method will be introduced. The results from a set of simulation studies showed that the modified method outperformed the existing method in multidimensional CATs.
张华华教授目前主要研究方向是项目反应理论(IRT)的发展和应用,包括计算机自适应测验、项目功能差异、认知诊断等方向。2005年获美国国务院和澳大利亚福布莱特委员会授予的福布莱特高级专家奖;2008年被美国国家教育测量委员会(NCME)授予该学会的年度奖;2009年获伊利诺伊大学教育学院资深学者杰出贡献奖;2010年入选美国教育研究学会会士(AERA Fellow),成为首位华人AERA会士;2011年获美国教育研究学会D部授予的教育测量及研究方法重大贡献奖。
张华华教授曾但任世界心理测量学会(Psychometric Society)主席(2012-2013),目前正担任发行量7000多的《应用心理测量》主编 (Applied Psychological Measurement)。在国内他被江西师大、东北师大、北京师大聘为客座教授,并经常回国讲学;于2012年入选《555赣潘英才》、2014年被中国教育部评为《长江学者讲座讲座教授》。